Police Open Probe In Glenville Robbery Spree

Police Open Probe In Glenville Robbery Spree

Glenville, Illinois: Last week, two residential burglaries in the suburban Glenview area were reported within thirty minutes of one another. According to authorities, a masked man broke the bedroom window of a house and made his way into the house to rob it. The location of the robbery was the 1000 block of Golfview Road. … Read more

Southern California To Get New Cameras That Will Automatically Ticket Drivers Exceeding the Speed Limits

500 Cameras would be Installed on Roadways and Freeways in Oakland, Newson announced

Los Angeles; California: Three major cities in the Southern California region will get new ticketing cameras that will help curb drivers exceeding the speed limits. The cities are Los Angeles, Glendale, and Long Beach. Governor Newsom signed new legislation that will come into effect from January 1 in the state. The new regulation would assist … Read more