Missouri Couple Locked Kids in Dog Cages after Brutally Molesting Them; Arrested after 7 Victims Identified

Missouri Couple Locked Kids in Dog Cages after Brutally Molesting Them; Arrested after 7 Victims Identified

Two Seneca residents are facing charges after an investigation uncovered disturbing allegations of child sexual abuse and the use of dog cages as a form of punishment. Authorities in Seneca are currently investigating reports of child sexual abuse at a residence in the area. Shockingly, during their investigation, they uncovered evidence of children living in … Read more

Wife Choked and Slammed by Husband in Mississippi; Authorities Arrested Man after Severely Injured Woman Reported Domestic Assault

Wife Choked and Slammed by Husband in Mississippi; Authorities Arrested Man after Severely Injured Woman Reported Domestic Assault

Prentiss County, Missi.- Deputy Ethan Hester of the Prentiss County Sheriff’s Department received a complaint from a victim who came forward alleging severe domestic abuse on July 27. The victim’s allegations were taken into consideration. A report was filed by the victim stating that her husband had physically assaulted her the night before at their … Read more

8-year-old Beaten with Paddle by Stepmother in Oklahoma; Parents Arrested for Horrific Abuse

8-year-old Beaten with Paddle by Stepmother in Oklahoma; Parents Arrested for Horrific Abuse

A couple in Oklahoma has been arrested for allegedly subjecting the man’s 8-year-old son to physical abuse and forcing him to live in extremely unsanitary conditions, resulting in severe bug bites all over his body. Joseph Wiles and Mekayla Beard were arrested earlier this month and are facing charges of felony child neglect, according to … Read more

Woman Served Alcohol to Juveniles, Touched Them Inappropriately and Exposed Herself; Arrested by Authorities

Woman Served Alcohol to Juveniles, Touched Them Inappropriately and Exposed Herself; Arrested by Authorities

Williston, ND- Accusations of sexual abuse against a juvenile have been brought against a woman from Williston. According to the police, Chantel Kruit, who is 33 years old, was present at a house party while she was not invited. A pair of juveniles, aged 15 and 16, reported to the authorities that Kruit had inappropriately … Read more

Wisconsin Man Stabbed and Pepper Sprayed by Woman after He Tried to Molest Her; Man Arrested after Woman Reported Incident to Police

Wisconsin Man Stabbed and Pepper Sprayed by Woman after He Tried to Molest Her; Man Arrested after Woman Reported Incident to Police

Milwaukee, WI- A convicted sex offender has been charged with sexually assaulting two women on Milwaukee’s Upper East Side, with the incidents occurring almost a year apart. Scott Dykas, aged 54, has been charged by prosecutors in the case. According to court records, he is currently in custody with a cash bond of $100,000. Police … Read more

1-day-old Infant Died in Connecticut after Doctor’s Negligent Conduct During Delivery: Devastated Mother Files Lawsuit against Hospital

1-day-old Infant Died in Connecticut after Doctor's Negligent Conduct During Delivery Devastated Mother Files Lawsuit

The doctor who used a suction during the baby’s delivery 15 times is being sued by the parents of a newborn from Connecticut who passed away exactly 24 hours after the baby was delivered. Alexander M. Diaz, Danielle Mackenzie and Fabrice Diaz’s son, was born on February 18; according to their lawsuit, Dr. Jay Matut, … Read more

Maryland Father Tried to Set Newborn on Fire after Killing Baby’s Mother and Grandmother; Convicted in Washington DC

Maryland Father Tried to Set Newborn on Fire after Killing Baby's Mother and Grandmother; Convicted in Washington DC

A man from Maryland has been found guilty of murder, over three years after he committed a horrific act of violence. He attempted to set his own child on fire and tragically took the lives of the child’s mother and grandmother in a shooting rampage. Last week, the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Washington, D.C. announced … Read more