Utah State Employee Arrested for Sleeping with Underage Girls: Authorities

A man from Midvale, who, according to the police, is a state employee, has been apprehended and accused of engaging in sexual activity with a teenage girl and exhibiting predatory behavior toward other young females.

Steven Allen Mayo, 50, was arrested on Wednesday and lodged into the Salt Lake County Jail for the purpose of investigating allegations of unlawful sexual activity with a minor, three counts of child endangerment, enticing a minor, and sexual abuse of a minor.

According to a police detention affidavit, Mayo is accused of forming a friendship with a homeless girl who had fled the hotel room where she and her mother were residing.

“The arrestee approached her while she was seated on the curb.” The arrestee inquired as to whether she desired to consume marijuana, and she responded that she was fourteen years old. According to the affidavit, she recommended that she depart with him and return to his residence.

The two engaged in sexual intercourse at Mayo’s residence. Additionally, the affidavit indicates that Mayo collected the girl and her companion from school and supplied them with marijuana at his residence on another occasion.

The girl’s phone was searched by the police after they were summoned, and they discovered sexual communications between her and Mayo.

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The arresting officer stated in the affidavit, “In my experience and training, these conversations were consistent with the typical grooming and predatory behavior exhibited by individuals who prey upon child victims.”

Mayo had informed the teenager that he had a preference for younger females, and the youngest girl he had ever been involved with was 13 years old, the teen informed the police. Additionally, he suggested that he would drive naked to the cafe located across from Cottonwood High School and observe the females.

The affidavit obtained by KSL also alleges that the arrestee informed the girl that he intended to enroll in night classes at Cottonwood High School in order to meet a female there.

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