October TCA Payments in Florida: Key Dates for Food Stamp Benefits

The Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA) program is an important resource for families with children under 18 (or under 19 if they are full-time high school students), as it provides financial assistance to help them maintain stability and move toward self-sufficiency.

This program is open to persons who meet strict technical, income, and asset requirements. Even pregnant women may be eligible for TCA in the third trimester if they are unable to work or in their ninth month of pregnancy.

Eligible for the TCA

Eligibility for TCA is subject to numerous essential regulations, including a lifetime cap: adults can receive monetary support for a maximum of 48 months. However, “child-only” instances, in which only the child receives benefits, are not subject to this time limit, recognizing the special requirements of children in those circumstances.

Meanwhile, some recipients are compelled to participate in work-related activities unless they are exempt, with Regional Workforce Boards providing tools to assist them in finding or retaining employment.

Income and asset constraints are important considerations in establishing TCA eligibility. A family’s total income must be less than 185 percent of the Federal Poverty Level, and the countable income cannot exceed the prescribed payment criteria for their family size.

TCA also requires applicants to meet specific citizenship and residency requirements. They must be US citizens or qualifying non-citizens who live in Florida.

A Social Security number is also required, or confirmation that they have applied for one. Furthermore, the program requires children to reside with their parents or a close relative, ensuring that aid is directed to those who actually need it inside their family context.

TCA Payment in October

TCA benefits are distributed monthly via the Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) system, which runs from the first to the 28th. Payments are scheduled based on the family’s Florida case number, as follows:

Case Number RangeDate
00-031st of the month
04-062nd of the month
07-103rd of the month
11-134th of the month
14-175th of the month
18-206th of the month
21-247th of the month
25-278th of the month
28-319th of the month
32-3410th of the month
35-3811th of the month
39-4112th of the month
42-4513th of the month
46-4814th of the month
49-5315th of the month
54-5716th of the month
58-6017th of the month
61-6418th of the month
65-6719th of the month
68-7120th of the month
72-7421st of the month
75-7822nd of the month
79-8123rd of the month
82-8524th of the month
86-8825th of the month
89-9226th of the month
93-9527th of the month
96-9928th of the month