Multiple Arrests after Police Street Cleaning Sweep in Bakersfield

Bakersfield, CA: Bakersfield police and several agencies arrested 26 people Wednesday during a street cleaning sweep in Old Town Kern.

During the Baker Street Corridor code enforcement sweep, BPD, Code Enforcement, Rapid Response Team, Animal Control, Kern County Behavioral Health & Recover Services, and FLOOD worked together.

The multi-agency operation ended:

  • 11 subjects were placed in navigation centers by FLOOD.
  • 16 arrests were made in the area of the 300 block of Baker Street.
  • 10 arrests were made in the area of the 700 block of Baker Street.
  • 4 subjects were evaluated and taken to Mary K. Shell pursuant to W&I 5150 holds.
  • 18 encampments were cleaned and removed by Code Enforcement and the
    Rapid Response Team.
  • 4 dogs were transferred to animal control

Anyone with operation information should phone BPD at 661-327-7111.