‘Hilda,’ a British-Canadian animated series based on the same-name graphic novel series, follows a fearless, blue-haired girl named Hilda. She lives in a cabin in the woods with her mother and has fantastical adventures with her friends David, Frida, Alfur, and Twig in and around Trolberg.
It premiered on Netflix on September 21, 2018, to overwhelmingly positive reviews from critics and viewers. The award-winning series, created by Luke Pearson, has received praise for its writing, vocal performances, and animation. Do you want to know if there will be a season 3? Here’s everything we know!
Hilda Season 3 Release Date
Season 2 of ‘Hilda’ will premiere on Netflix on December 14, 2020. The second season consists of 13 episodes, each lasting 24 minutes. Here’s what we’ve discovered so far about Season 3. There hasn’t been any word on a third installment, but the fact that the final episode ends on a cliffhanger gives us hope.
Fans will be pleased to learn that a 70-minute film is currently in the works. As of now, it’s unclear whether the film will pick up where Season 2 leaves off or be a stand-alone adventure. Taking into account all of these factors, fans will have to wait a while, as the film will most likely be released after season 2. If there is another season, we can expect ‘Hilda’ season 3 to be released in 2022.
Hilda Season 3 Cast: Who can be in it?
Hilda, the daring Sparrow Scout, is played by Bella Ramsey. Daisy Haggard portrays Hilda’s mother, Johanna, in the film. Hilda is frequently accompanied by her friends Frida (Ameerah Falzon – Ojo), David (Oliver Nelson), and Alfur Aldric, an elf (Rasmus Hardiker). If a third season is made, all of the main voice cast members may return to bring their respective characters to life, with a few changes possible. There may be a few new voices for the new characters as well.
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What is the plot of Hilda Season 3?
Season 2 concludes with the episode ‘The Stone Forest,” in which Hilda, her mother, and Twig become stranded in a troll-infested Stone Forest. Frida and David go looking for them despite the dangers they face. Finally, the Raven comes to their aid and returns Hilda, Twig, and Johanna to their home. The episode concludes with Johanna serving Hilda breakfast.
When Hilda’s mother wakes her up, she discovers that it is the Troll child, Baba, who is on Hilda’s bed, while her daughter, Hilda, is seen playing in the Stone Forest with a family of Trolls. If there is a third season, we will see more adventures from Hilda’s world. Given that the Stone Forest is not the subject of the upcoming film, Season 3 may continue Hilda’s story there.
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“Season three will move on from the events of the film and explore new territory.” Although there will be some deviations, it will be a more focused, ongoing story than we have previously told, which is exciting. Unfortunately, this will be the final season, but I’m excited for people to see what we’ve got in store — especially since we’re going beyond the books, so everything is a surprise. I’d say it’s less about revisiting previous material and more about delving into aspects of Hilda’s world that have gone unspoken until now.”
Hilda’s third season will consist of 13 episodes. Emerald Wright-Collie will serve as a series producer, and Monique Simmon has been promoted to associate producer.
It’s worth noting that a number of “leaks” occurred in late 2021 that shared specific scripts from the third season, implying that certain voice actors have begun and/or completed their work on the third season. Instagram posts also confirm that Wood Man’s voice actor, Ako Mitchell, was back in the recording studio reprising his role. Season 3 of Hilda has not yet been announced, but we will keep you updated.
In the meantime, if you’re a big Hilda fan, we recommend visiting Hilda The Series on Reddit, which is a very active community discussing all things Hilda. There’s a lot of speculation about the third season there, including this post, which hopes Hilda will develop a long-term fear in the upcoming final season.
Are you looking forward to Hilda’s third and final season on Netflix?