Jeffrey Clayton, who has been a music teacher at Douglas Anderson School of the Arts for almost 23 years, is being charged with two felonies: “unlawful use of a two-way communication device” and “authority figure solicits or engages in lewd conduct with a student.”
For each charge, Action News Jax’s Dale Carson says the maximum term is 15 years in prison and 5 years in jail.
Getting News On Wednesday, Jax talked to a past student and graduate of the school. That person had one word to describe the news: “terrifying.”
Cassandra Young Williams squeezed back tears as she said, “And I’m about to cry.” “Because this has never happened before.” It’s very scary.
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One parent whose child goes to Douglas Anderson said the news was shocking and very worrying.
Brent Carbet told Action News Jax, “I mean, I don’t see why anyone wouldn’t be scared of that kind of thing.” “Like I said, I didn’t know about this until now.”
Action News Jax was also told by Duval County Public Schools that Clayton was moved because of behavior problems in 2013. The district, however, was unable to provide further information about that event as reported by ActionJAX News.
Duval County Public Schools said they are doing a “full investigation of the matter in addition to our normal investigation into the employee who was arrested.”