The mayor and police superintendent in Chicago are expressing deep outrage and actively seeking the perpetrator responsible for the tragic death of a 7-year-old boy. The incident, characterized as a senseless act of gun violence, has sparked a determined effort to bring the killer to justice.
According to Chicago police Superintendent Larry Snelling, shots were fired as the boy left his apartment to visit a neighbor on Tuesday afternoon.
Authorities are currently on the lookout for the individual responsible for the shooting, according to Snelling. It is worth mentioning that the shots were discharged from a significant distance away. According to the police, the intended target of the shooter remains unclear.
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Officers quickly applied pressure to the chest of the 7-year-old, according to Snelling. The officers immediately placed the boy in the back of their squad car and quickly transported him to the hospital. Tragically, he was later pronounced dead, according to ABC News.
According to Snelling, at Tuesday’s news conference, a distressing number of children, 127 to be exact, have fallen victim to gun violence in Chicago this year. According to him, seventeen children lost their lives.
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