This Texas City Has Been Named the Highest Heart Disease Rates in the State

Heart disease kills more people in the US than any other disease, and some places have higher rates than others. A new study from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says that Lubbock has the highest rate of heart disease in Texas.

What is damage to the heart?

Heart disease includes many disorders that impact the heart and blood vessels, like coronary artery disease, heart failure, arrhythmia, and stroke. These health problems can lead to chest pain, shortness of breath, an abnormal heartbeat, feeling weak, and getting dizzy. Heart disease can also have very bad effects, like making you unable to do things or having a lower quality of life, or even killing you.

What makes you more likely to get heart disease?

Some of the things that put you at risk for heart disease can be changed or controlled by the choices you make about your lifestyle or by getting medical help. These include smoking, having diabetes, having high blood pressure or cholesterol, being overweight, not being active enough, and eating poorly. Some danger factors can’t be changed, which is also known as “non-modifiable. “Some of these are race or ethnicity, gender, age, and family background.

What makes Lubbock different from other Texas cities?

The CDC report says that among the 10 biggest cities in Texas in 2017, 269.4 deaths per 100,000 people were caused by heart disease in Lubbock. This was the highest rate when age was taken into account. This was a lot more than the average for the state (165.8 deaths per 100,000 people) and the average for the country (165.0 deaths per 100,000 people).There were 109.9 deaths per 100,000 people in Austin, Texas, from heart disease. That was the lowest rate in Texas.

According to the study, 6.5% of adults in Lubbock said that a doctor had told them they had a heart attack, angina, or coronary heart disease. This was the highest percentage of any city in the country. It was more than the average for the state, which was 4.2%, and the average for the country, which was 4.0%.The place with the fewest adults with these conditions was El Paso, where only 2.5% of the population had them.

Why do you think there are so many people with heart disease in Lubbock?

While the study didn’t say for sure why Lubbock had the highest rate of heart disease in Texas, it did point out some things that might have something to do with the city’s health. These include environmental factors like air quality, climate, and pollution, as well as socio-economic factors like income, education, and access to health care. Behavioral factors include things like smoking, dieting, and physical exercise.

Lower than the state and national averages, the study said, Lubbock had a lower median household income, a lower percentage of adults with a bachelor’s degree or higher, and a lower percentage of adults with health insurance. These things could make it harder for people in Lubbock to get and pay preventative and therapeutic health care, and they could also make them more vulnerable to stress and other health risks.

Another thing the study showed was that fewer adults in Lubbock did 150 minutes or more of aerobic physical exercise per week compared to the state and national averages. More adults in Lubbock were obese and more adults smoked. These things might make it more likely to get heart disease or make it worse if you already have it. They could also make other long-term conditions worse, like diabetes and cancer.

How could the high rate of heart disease in Lubbock be fixed?

Some strategies were suggested in the report that could help lower the number of people in Lubbock who have heart disease and improve the health and well-being of the whole community.

These include making policies and programs that encourage healthy habits like quitting smoking, learning about nutrition, and being active; making quality health care services more available and easy to get for everyone, especially those with low incomes or no insurance; and making it easier for different groups and stakeholders, like health care providers, public health agencies, community groups, and local governments, to work together and coordinate.

The study also stressed the significance of both individual and group action. It urged the people of Lubbock to take responsibility for their own health and help each other make healthy decisions. It was written in the report that “everyone has a role to play in preventing heart disease and improving health outcomes.”

In conclusion

People all over the United States are at a higher risk for heart disease than people in other places. A new study from the CDC says that Lubbock, Texas, has the highest rate of heart disease in the state. The report suggested that Lubbock’s high heart disease rates might be caused by socio-economic, environmental, and behavioral factors.

It also suggested some possible solutions, such as encouraging healthy behaviors, making it easier for people to get health care, and improving teamwork and coordination. People in Lubbock were also told in the report to take action and responsibility for their own health and well-being and to work together to make the city healthier.