Late-Night Dispute in Los Angeles Ends in Fatal Machete Attack, Suspect Sought

Los Angeles, CA- According to the authorities, a disagreement that took place between two males late on Thursday night resulted in one of them inflicting fatal injuries on the other using a machete.

According to a representative for the Los Angeles Police Department, the altercation took place just before 11:20 p.m. in the vicinity of the crossroads where Sixth Street and Maple Avenue meet.

After committing the assault on the victim, the culprit ran away from the site and has not been located. It was not possible to obtain a comprehensive description of him.

The individual, who had suffered irreparable injuries, was sent to a hospital, where he was pronounced dead upon arrival. It took some time before his identification was declared public.

There was a lack of clarity regarding the events that led up to the argument.

Source: ABC-7 News

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