‘Kemono Jihen‘ is an urban fantasy horror anime show based on a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Sh Aimoto. The story takes place in a world where humans and monsters, known as kemonos, coexist. Kabane Kusaka, a ghoul-human hybrid, has suffered from neglect and apathy from his extended family since his parents’ disappearance.
He relocates to Tokyo with Kemono detective Kohachi Inugami and later starts working for him at the Inugami Strangeness Consultancy Office. Kabane discovers friendship, camaraderie, and the true meaning of family for the first time in his life.
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The show has received mostly positive feedback for its rich mythology and immersive storytelling since its debut. Season 1 of ‘Kemono Jihen’ has just finished airing. Here’s what we know so far about Season 2’s release date.
Kemono Jihen Season 2 Release Date
Season 1 of ‘Kemono Jihen’ premiered on January 10, 2021 and lasted 12 episodes before ending on March 28, 2021. The series was produced by Ajia-Do Animation Works, with Masaya Fujimori directing and Noboru Kimura writing. Season 2 has yet to receive an official statement from the producers. However, the show and original manga have developed a devoted following that is only expected to grow in the coming years. As a result, the demand for a sequel will grow even louder.
Because of their popularity, successful urban fantasy shows such as ‘Death Note’ and ‘Mob Psycho 100’ have received multiple seasons. So, whether or not ‘Kemono Jihen’ gets a second season is ultimately determined by the audience response. Ajia-Do has experience creating multiple seasons of anime. They did this with ‘Kaiketsu Zorori,’ which has since become a multimedia franchise. If ‘Kemono Jihen’ maintains its popularity, there’s no reason why it shouldn’t get the same treatment.
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Even if Ajia-Do does not produce the sophomore season, other animation studios can, as Tezuka Productions and Okuruto Noboru did for Ajia-Do with ‘How Not to Summon a Demon Lord,’ or ‘Ajia-Do‘ itself did for Pierrot with ‘Emma.’ If the anime is renewed within the next year, Season 2 of ‘Kemono Jihen’ will be released in 2023.
Kemono Jihen Season 2 Plot: What Can It Be About?
In the season one finale, Akira uses Kabane’s assistance to extract the nullstone from Yui’s chest. The nullstone combines with Kabane’s lifestone to form the kemonostone. When Inari tries to take it, Inugami steps in, forcing her to return it to Kabane. It is revealed that Yui killed all the women in their village on Mount Iwanki while under the control of the nullstone. Akira persuades him to bear that terrible burden with him.
After Yui recovers, the two brothers embark on a journey of introspection. According to the episode, “kemono jihen” refers to a terrible war between men and kemono. Kabane discovers that he may be descended from a line of kemono chiefs. Inugami and Kabane set out on their own quest to learn more about Kabane’s parents, and Kon joins them.
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Chapter 22 and onwards may be adapted in season 2. Inugami is transporting Kabane and Kon to Shikoku, where he was born. Season 2 may see the introduction of other bakedanuki like him, as well as an exploration of their culture and traditions. Princess Iyo Yashima, a popular manga character, may make her first appearance in the upcoming season.
She and Kon could end up competing for Kabane’s attention. Inari has sent Kon on a mission to make Kabane willingly give her the kemonostone. She may try to do so in season 2 and find herself torn between her loyalty to Inari and her growing bond with Kabane.
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