‘High-Rise Invasion,’ created by Zero-G animation studios, is a riveting death-game anime set in an “abnormal space” that resembles a gigantic city connected by suspension bridges. The anime follows Yuri Honj, a high school girl who is unexpectedly transferred to this strange planet. She must now do everything she can to protect herself from mask-wearing individuals while seeking her brother Rika, who has also been taken inside the realm.
The series has received favourable reviews since its debut, with critics complimenting the show for its clear animation and surprising narrative. There have already been several whispers regarding a possible second season. Here is what we have discovered thus far.
High-Rise Invasion Season 2: Release Date
Season 1 of ‘High-Rise Invasion’ debuted on Netflix on February 25, 2021. The anime was first revealed on October 26, 2020, during the Netflix Anime Festival. Masahiro Takata directed it, and Tko Machida wrote it.
Season 2 of ‘High-Rise Invasion’ has yet to be announced by either Netflix or the series’ creators. However, the streaming behemoth has always been kind to Japanese anime. Netflix has created various anime series throughout the years, some of which have gone on to have multi-season runs on the site.
The critically acclaimed anime ‘Beastars,’ based on a Japanese manga series written and drawn by Paru Itagaki, is a prime example of this. The animation made Itagaki’s outstanding work available to a far larger audience. And its worldwide popularity guaranteed that it would return for at least one more season. The ‘High-Rise Invasion’ ONA has the ability to do the same for the manga series of the same name. Based on early reactions from fans, the first season is sure to be a smash. And this might lead to the anime having a long run on the streaming site.
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‘High-Rise Invasion’ is a completed manga, and there is enough source material for several seasons of animation. If the success of season 1 convinces both the creators and Netflix officials that the anime deserves to be renewed in the coming months, season 2 of ‘High-Rise Invasion’ will be released in 2023.
High-Rise Invasion Season 2: Expected Plot
Season 1 of ‘High-Rise Invasion’ culminates with Yuri and his companions defeating the masks sent by Mamoru Aikawa. Yuri destroys Swimmer Mask before locking Great Angel’s talents and puts him under her control as a Closer to God with her newly obtained manipulation skills. Mamoru realizes Rika and Yuri are siblings and eventually gets an emotional response from the former when he threatens the latter. Yuri declares at the end of the episode that she will find her brother and destroy this awful place.
The hunt for Rika may continue in season 2. Yuri could learn new skills. The game’s genius and administrators may potentially be revealed in the coming season.
High-Rise Invasion Season 2: Trailer
As we know there is no official announcement on High-Rise Invasion Season 2. So there is no trailer yet. You can watch the trailer for season first of High-Rise Invasion below.
High-Rise Invasion Season 1 Recap
Yuri was able to form an alliance with Mayuko, a knife-wielding high-schooler, after surviving many near calls upon entering the High-Rise region. Yuri’s mission throughout the season was to reconcile with her brother Rika while avoiding the deadly mind-controlled mask wearers. Yuri ultimately found the world lacks a god by befriending others stuck in the world and overcoming several mask wearers, and the closer you are to being the god, the more power and influence you may wield.
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Meanwhile, Rika was hunting for his sister as well, but after various encounters and disclosures, he became a prisoner of Mamoru Aikawa, the most powerful foe we’ve met thus far. Aikawa used her power to control masks to trick the mask Great Angel into attacking Yuri and her companions, culminating in the death of Kuzuma Aohara and the Swimmer Mask.
Kuon Shinzaki is one of the candidates closest to becoming God, and he possesses the tremendous power of being able to handle the city’s massive rail gun. She was able to form an alliance with Sniper Mask, and the two have steadily grown closer, with Kuon falling in love with the great marksman.
Sniper Mask is on a journey to rediscover his identity. Thanks to the help of Kuon, Sniper Mask learned his real name, Yu Makoto. He also knows he has a close relationship with Rika, hoping that their next encounter will reveal more about himself.
Frequently Asked Questions
How Much of the Manga Will the Second Season Cover?
Out of the 258 published chapters, the anime has already covered 149 chapters. With just over 100 chapters remaining it’s highly like the second season will cover the rest of the manga.
Did They Cancel High-rise Invasion?
Netflix has not yet picked up the show for a second season. We don’t know much about why the streaming platform hasn’t yet given the series the go-ahead, but we can rule out that there isn’t enough content.
Is High-Rise Invasion a cartoon?
The manga series High-Rise Invasion has been turned into an anime on Netflix. It came out all over the world on February 25, 2021.
High-Rise Invasion,’ a compelling death-game anime made by Zero-G animation studios, is set in an “abnormal environment” that resembles a massive city connected by suspension bridges. Yuri Honj, a high school student who is accidentally sent to this odd planet, is the protagonist of the anime. She must now protect herself against mask-wearing individuals while searching for her brother Rika, who has also been captured into the realm.