Free Camera Installation Program Launched By San Jose Mayor To Capture Crime in Local Businesses

San Jose, CA: San Jose has recently launched a pilot program called Capture Crime, which aims to provide local businesses in high-crime areas with free security cameras.

On Wednesday, Mayor Matt Mahan and police Chief Anthony Mata unveiled an exciting pilot program. Under this program, businesses have the option to participate and receive free cameras and hard drives from the police.

Enhancing security measures at popular shopping centers to deter potential thieves.

“Some small businesses have the financial means to invest in a camera system, while others do not,” Mahan said. “Our responsibility is to ensure equal access for all individuals.” Providing 50 systems to small businesses for $75,000 is an excellent offer, and we can build on that.

The cameras will record footage continuously, which is then stored for a period of 30 days. The program will be in operation for a duration of two years, with the potential for expansion if it achieves the desired outcomes.

When there is digital evidence, such as images of the crime, it is given priority in the investigation. Having limited information can pose challenges,” Captain Brian Spears of SJPD expressed.

Due to limited availability, business owners in the specified areas can apply for cameras by contacting the San Jose Crime Prevention Unit.