Los Angeles, CA: Acclaimed Comedian Elayne Boosler was arrested in Dodgers Stadium in Los Angeles after a heated argument. She claimed that she was denied entry into the stadium over the bag policy.
The Rolling Stone’s “First Lady of Stand-Up” made a video and posted it online detailing the whole incident.
On Sunday, Boosler attempted to attend the Dodgers-Mets game at the stadium while carrying her new baseball-shaped purse. Security guards at Dodger Stadium informed her she couldn’t enter with her bag because it violated the policy.
In the video, she claimed that security instructed her to either return the bag to her car or toss it out, but she stubbornly refused as per KTLA.
She continued by asserting that her ticket did not contain any disclaimer concerning the clear bag policy and that, as such, she should be granted entry into the stadium.

Boosler’s explanation for the security personnel’s denial of entry was “terrorism.” Things became “heated,” according to the comedian, when security refused to yield despite her protests.
At her request, the security officer granted admission to Boosler’s nephew and his 8-year-old child but denied entry to Boosler herself. He then threatened to arrest her for trespassing.
Two officers placed her in the backseat of a squad vehicle while handcuffing her; she described them as “very nice,” but added that it might have been due to her white race.
“Shame on you Dodger Stadium…you know me, [and] I’ve done so much free work for you for decades, and even if I wasn’t me – if I was just a customer who was coming to the game – to be treated like that is so awful,” she said. “You need to talk to your personnel, and you really need to get rid of ‘that guy’ with a tiny little bit of power who was definitely not a people person.”
Boosler claimed that the team filed charges at the Dodger Stadium office because “the guy wouldn’t give up,” despite the fact that other officials treated her kindly while she was “handcuffed behind [her] back and to a bench.”
“They count all the cash in your purse and then you have to sign off on it,” she explained. “They said, ‘You have $371 cash in your purse’ and I said, ‘Well yes, we were planning on buying two hot dogs and a water.’”
The police finally let Boosler go after hours of conditions that she had to leave the stadium grounds.
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