A video shows a group of boaters in Florida throwing trash cans right into the water.
Reports say the incident happened during the Boca Bash on April 28, which is a yearly event that brings in thousands of boaters, most of whom are there to party.
Not directly connected with the city of Boca, the party takes place in Lake Boca Raton. The story of how it came to be is interesting.
“In 2007, Rockey Rossi’s friends Brad Geisen and Scott McCure planned the event as a birthday party for him,” The Palm Beach Post said. “The city told them to cancel the party, which supposedly had plans for the rock band Nickleback to play.” Even though the plans were canceled, they got enough press to bring dozens of boaters to the lake.

The meeting has grown since then. It bothers the city so much that it’s kind of a pain. There are usually a lot of arrests at these events, mostly for running a vessel while drunk, but this year’s party was surprisingly calm. But one group was caught doing a really bad thing: they just dumped their trash into the water from the boat.
At this point, only one of the passengers has been officially named. The drone pilot who caught them littering did look for any obvious registration numbers on the boat, but we won’t say his name because it hasn’t been confirmed. The pilot wasn’t able to, which was too bad.
But the video is going viral very quickly, and people are very angry at the group that was littering so much. Their names will probably be found soon, and hopefully they will be held accountable. As you might guess, it’s illegal.
The Florida Department of Environmental Protection wrote that it is against the law for boats to dump trash in lakes, rivers, bays, sounds, and distant areas that are less than three miles from the ocean. “People who break the law can face fines, civil penalties, and even jail time.”