As New Yorkers leave, a Buffalo woman moves to Florida

The trend of New Yorkers relocating continues unabated, with the Empire State witnessing the most significant population dip nationally. Between July 2022 and July 2023, New York saw over 100,000 residents depart, as estimated by the U.S. Census Bureau, marking a notable demographic shift.

Heather Radzikowski, a lifelong resident of Buffalo, represents this migratory wave, having recently fulfilled her lifelong ambition by moving to Florida’s Gulf Coast.

Her relocation was spurred by a blend of personal aspirations and practical considerations. Despite her strong ties to Buffalo, where she spent years caring for a younger sibling, Radzikowski always envisioned a different life in the sunnier, warmer climate of Florida.

The severe winters of Western New York, contrasted with Florida’s balmy weather, played a significant role in her decision. Moreover, the financial advantages of Florida, notably the lack of a state income tax, significantly influenced her move. This economic appeal was underscored by the stark differences in taxation levels between the states, with New York being recognized for its high taxes.

The migration trend, highlighted in a December report from the New York State Comptroller’s Office, indicates a surge in departures during the pandemic, especially from New York City, exacerbating the state’s fiscal concerns due to reduced income tax collections.

The state’s challenges, including the high cost of living and unaffordable housing, have been acknowledged by Governor Kathy Hochul, prompting proposals for new housing initiatives. However, state Republicans attribute the exodus to high taxes and an unfavorable business climate.

Despite initial hesitations regarding Florida’s political environment, Radzikowski’s move appears to be a permanent change.

She maintains a hopeful outlook on preserving relationships with her Buffalo connections through visits. This personal journey of Radzikowski mirrors the broader narrative of New Yorkers seeking improved living standards and economic opportunities elsewhere.