The Once-And-For-All, Very Last Town in Michigan

There are many communities in Michigan, each with its own unique history and charm. But did you know that there is a town in Michigan that holds the top spot in the alphabetical list? Zutphen, a small village in Ottawa County with fewer than 300 residents, is the one who holds this particular distinction. Even though Zutphen isn’t a very well-known or busy place, its history is worth telling.

Zutphen’s Beginnings

Dutch immigrants founded Zutphen in the 1860s, and it takes its name from a Dutch town. These newcomers, who were mostly farmers, worked hard to cultivate the rich land and create a close-knit community. The hamlet expanded with the building of a church, school, and post office, all of which were in use from 1882 until 1906. The first postmaster was a farmer and community leader named Johannes Glupker.

In western Michigan, Zutphen was one of several Dutch settlements, with other significant locations being Holland, Zeeland, and Vriesland. The settlers made a great contribution to the social and economic advancement of the area by actively preserving their language and cultural customs.

Zutphen’s Decline

Though it has a long history, Zutphen never grew larger than its original scope. As a result of many locals moving away in search of better prospects, the post office closed, the school merged with another district, and local businesses gradually vanished. Zutphen no longer has a downtown, stores, eateries, or gas stations. The church, which was rebuilt in 1956, and the converted ancient parsonage—which is now a private residence—are the only remaining landmarks.

Unfortunately, Zutphen’s historical significance is still rarely mentioned in Ottawa County papers; it seems as though the town is disappearing from both the map and people’s collective memory in Michigan.

Zutphen’s Tomorrow

Zutphen is by no means the least town in Michigan, even though it might be the last one. There are still a few houses and families there that cling to their rustic way of life and traditions. People looking for a break from the bustle of the city are drawn to the town’s serene atmosphere and scenic surroundings. Even with its lack of facilities and attractions, Zutphen has a certain charm and personality that make it genuinely exceptional.

Instead of being ignored and forgotten, Zutphen deserves respect and acknowledgment. It holds a particular place in the hearts of people who are familiar with and beloved of Michigan, serving as a symbol of the state’s history and spirit. Not only is Zutphen the best town in Michigan, but it was the first in many respects.