A Texas elementary school teacher has been dismissed for refusing restroom access to students as a disciplinary measure, as reported by the school district.
On Wednesday, Dec. 4, reports from NBC affiliate KPRC 2 and CBS affiliate KHOU indicated that students in a first-grade class at Bartlett Elementary School were reportedly informed that they could not use the bathroom after misplacing a “restroom badge” in the hallway.
A teacher reportedly informed parents at the conclusion of the school day that she had instructed the students around midday that bathroom use was no longer permitted, as per KHOU.
Ashley Chancey shared with PEOPLE that parents reported a minimum of six students experienced accidents that day.
“My son was asked to work in an unhygienic and unhealthy environment surrounded by urine in his workspace and with emotional students in soiled clothing,” she says.
Another classroom mom, Amber Johnson, shared with KPRC that her daughter mentioned, “some people were crying to death to go to the bathroom.”

On Wednesday, the Conroe Independent School District communicated with parents, emphasizing that the disciplinary action did not reflect the nurturing and secure atmosphere we promote at Bartlett Elementary.
“This afternoon, we were made aware of a situation in a first-grade classroom in which restroom privileges were revoked. I have spoken with the parents of both students who, upsettingly, had accidents,” the administration said in the letter, which was obtained by KPRC.
“The class will have a current staff member to serve as the substitute teacher for the remainder of the week while we complete our investigation into the matter.”
The Conroe Independent School District announced that the teacher “is no longer employed” with the district.
“Bartlett Elementary and District administrators were made aware of a situation after school dismissed on Wednesday in which a first grade teacher at the school denied students access to the restroom as a punishment,” read the statement, shared with PEOPLE on Friday, Dec. 6.
“This incident is not a reflection of the thousands of exceptional educators teaching in classrooms across the District,” the statement continued. “We are committed to supporting the students and families impacted by this upsetting event and are dedicated to fostering a culture of mutual respect and care among all students, families, and staff.”
Nonetheless, certain parents, including Chancey, remain worried and are calling on the school district to implement measures to prevent a recurrence of such incidents.