Teacher Recorded Inappropriate Videos in Classroom and Sent them to Underage School Girls in Indiana; Faces Trial

An Indiana school choir and theater teacher, who has been dismissed, has been taken into custody for reportedly recording himself engaging in inappropriate acts in his classroom and sharing the videos with teenage girls, as stated by police.

Kayvon H. Emtiaz, 28, reached out to several 13-year-old girls via social media, claiming to be a “naughty teacher who fantasizes about his students all the time,” as stated in court documents acquired by Fox59.

Authorities in Avon, located just west of Indianapolis, launched an investigation in September following a cyber tip from Snapchat regarding a “person of trust” allegedly downloading child pornography in the vicinity.

During this period, authorities received reports suggesting that a teacher in the Avon School District was engaging in inappropriate behavior within school premises.

Authorities carried out search warrants on two Snapchat accounts, “kavman105” and “fiftyshadedaddy.” Documents reveal that files stored in those accounts contained videos of a man engaging in inappropriate behavior behind a desk, seemingly in a musical classroom.

Investigators reported that the videos were being shared with other accounts on the app. Additional files found contained videos depicting minors in a sexual context.

Teacher Recorded Inappropriate Videos in Classroom and Sent them to Underage School Girls in Indiana; Faces Trial (1)
Image: Marion County Jail

Emtiaz informed the 13-year-old girls that he hailed from Indiana and expressed disturbing fantasies about isolating his female students after class and subjecting them to abuse behind a locked door, as stated in the court documents. According to investigators, the internet server utilized by the teacher was linked to multiple social media accounts, all bearing the name “kemtiaz.”

A resident of Indianapolis was interrogated by authorities last Thursday and confessed to utilizing two Snapchat accounts. He admitted to having chats with underage girls on the app, though he couldn’t remember all the details.

He admitted to keeping videos of underage girls for personal gratification while imagining scenarios involving his students.

Authorities examined his phone following the interview and found the specific child pornography files that one of the 13-year-old girls had sent him, located in the concealed area of his photos app.

He faces multiple serious charges, including ten counts related to possession of child pornography, two counts of child solicitation, and one count of vicarious sexual gratification.

He was released from jail on Monday after an initial court hearing, having paid a bond of $40,000. A jury trial is set for February 10, 2025, according to Fox59.
