The trial of a man from Lexington who is accused of child abuse in Lafayette County is set for next month.
Paul Wayne Young, 45, of Lexington, reportedly physically abused a kid older than 13 years old, according to a probable cause statement. On May 9th, when school personnel, the school resource officer, and an official from the Ray County Children’s Division questioned the victim about a noticeable bruise on their face, the victim allegedly fabricated comments to all three groups about the bruising.
Young said he hit the victim several times with a belt as a form of discipline. A total of four strikes to the left hip and one to the left shoulder or upper arm were his reported strikes. The blow to the arm, he said, may have missed the child’s face.
Paul pinned the victim to the bed after the victim claimed to have grabbed the belt to protect themselves during an interrogation. An eyewitness testified that they observed Young pin the victim to the bed and then strike him with the belt.
There is one accusation of child abuse against Young. He was a police officer with the Lexington force when it happened. His employment was terminated on July 11th. The 23rd of October is his scheduled court date, and the time is 9 am.