A leader of a polygamist group, known for having over 20 wives, some of whom were minors, has been sentenced to 50 years in prison, as reported by various sources.
Samuel Rappylee Bateman, 48, received a 50-year prison sentence in federal court for his involvement in transporting a minor for sexual purposes and conspiracy to commit kidnapping. He pleaded guilty to these charges in April, according to reports from the Associated Press.
Bateman acknowledged in his plea agreement that he pressured underage girls, some as young as 9, into sexual activities with him and other adults, and he also planned to kidnap girls and move them across state lines, as reported by various outlets.
Multiple victims addressed the court prior to the sentencing. A girl expressed, according to AZ Central, “This abuse has created a ripple effect that has affected everyone I know,” while another allegedly stated, “I hope you feel the pain you caused me as you sit rotting in your cell.”
Bateman’s arrest took place in September 2022. A document from the FBI, acquired by the Washington Post and Salt Lake Tribune, revealed that Bateman established a cult-like faction of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and participated in “group sex” with several girls he referred to as wives. He observed other men engaging in the sexual abuse and assault of girls.
The affidavit stated that Bateman was recorded saying that God told him to offer “the most precious thing he has, his girls’ virtue,” to several adult men, adding that “God will fix their bodies and put the membrane back in their body.” I have never felt more assured in following his path. It’s all done with affection.

According to the FBI affidavit, he allegedly expressed to his 14-year-old daughter his desire to have a child with her and to marry her. The report stated that he provided her with $50 and a bag of Doritos, which seemed to be considered “bribes.” A girl was taken from the home by Bateman’s ex-wife, leading to a restraining order being filed against him.
Following Bateman’s arrest, FBI agents conducted a search of his Arizona residence in search of evidence related to marriages or sexual activities involving children and adults, as reported by the Salt Lake Tribune. Several girls aged 11 to 16 were taken from Bateman’s Arizona residence and placed in the care of the Department of Child Services.
The girls were assigned to different group homes. They disappeared for a few weeks but were later located in Spokane, Wash. Prosecutors alleged that Bateman directed his followers from prison to abduct the girls and move them across state borders.
Two followers of Bateman have been convicted on charges related to traveling across state lines to influence or pressure a minor into sexual acts. Seven of his adult wives have been found guilty of offenses connected to forcing children into sexual acts and obstructing the inquiry into Bateman, according to AP.