Man Molested 90-year-old Woman after Breaking into Her Home; Arrested after Victim Frantically Called Police

Honk News – In a courtroom on Monday, jurors listened to a shocking 911 call featuring the voice of a distressed 90-year-old woman who had just experienced a horrific assault in her assisted living apartment.

“I don’t know what to do,” said the woman, crying. “I was in bed asleep and this guy broke in and had sex with me … I don’t know how he got in.”

A woman passed away last year. Due to a publication ban safeguarding her identity, we will refer to her as Mary in this article.

Duran Ross Buffalo, aged 40, is currently facing trial for charges related to aggravated sexual assault and breaking and entering with the intent to commit sexual assault.

A Buffalo resident faces allegations of unlawfully entering a seniors’ complex on January 1, 2021, concealing themselves in Mary’s storage closet before launching an attack on her hours afterward.

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At first, authorities were skeptical about the possibility of rape in Mary’s case. They attributed her condition to dementia and transferred her to a nearby hospital for a possible bladder infection.

This occurred even though law enforcement had previously arrived at the complex that evening following an incident involving a man — identified by the Crown as Buffalo — who allegedly forced his way into the premises.

At approximately 7 p.m., a pair of officers arrived on the scene and conducted a 15-minute search of the 17-story structure before departing, under the impression that he had made his exit through an alternate doorway.

Just under four hours later, Mary dialed 911.

She was in touch with a 911 operator, Mary-Ellen Weller. Mary recounted to Weller that a man had entered her room, restrained her, and assaulted her.

Mary reported that the man departed after she warned him about contacting law enforcement.

Buffalo is acting as his own advocate and largely choosing not to communicate. Justice Michele Hollins had to call for a recess when Buffalo was found sleeping on the floor in the prisoner’s box.
