Indiana Day Care Worker Accused of Breaking Toddler’s Leg, Calls Him “Crybaby” with “Anger Problems

A daycare worker at an Indiana church faces allegations of causing a 2-year-old boy’s leg injury while engaging in play by lifting him and setting him down. Following the incident, she reportedly described the child to authorities as “not really a nice kid,” a “crybaby,” and someone with “anger problems.”

Areeana Adeniyi, 26, is confronting charges of battery and neglect of a dependent following the reported incident. Online court records indicate that a warrant has been issued for her arrest.

An incident reportedly took place on July 23 at the Zionsville Presbyterian Church, located approximately 18 miles north of Indianapolis. The situation emerged the next day when the father discovered that his son had sustained a tibia fracture, viewed a video of the event that contradicted the daycare’s incident report, and subsequently contacted the authorities, as detailed in an affidavit of probable cause.

A recent incident emerged when the father of a young boy received a call from the daycare, informing him that his son, referred to in legal papers as “MV1,” was experiencing discomfort, potentially from an ankle twist, according to the affidavit.

The daycare issued a “Child’s Special Report,” noting: “I was playing with (MV1), lifting him up, and when I set him back down, his ankle rolled,” according to the document.

An ice pack was provided to the boy, according to the report.

The father brought his son to the hospital, as the boy was unable to bear weight on his leg, according to the report. The probable cause statement indicated that X-rays revealed a fractured tibia.

Legal filings have disclosed what Adeniyi purportedly communicated to her supervisor regarding the supposed incident.

The next day, during a phone conversation with law enforcement, she expressed her inability to meet face-to-face regarding the incident. This was after she had been requested to vacate the premises, as the administration was worried for her safety due to the father’s agitation, according to the probable cause statement.

Read More: Indiana Mother Left Paralyzed Daughter on Floor for a Week; Arrested and Daughter’s Wounds were Infested with Maggots

According to the document, she explained to the officer that her approach involves playfully lifting children to bring them joy.

It has been reported that she claimed to have placed the boy on the ground due to his irritation with her touching him. According to the affidavit, she described the boy as “squirming while in the air,” expressing her concern about him potentially falling.

The document indicated that she characterized the boy as “not really a nice kid,” a “crybaby,” and someone with “anger problems.”

The father expressed that attempting to justify such actions and targeting a toddler reveals significant character deficiencies.

Adeniyi responded to the officer’s statement about the boy’s fractured tibia by denying any abuse, according to the document. She expressed her disappointment over the father’s distress, stating, “Accidents happen,” according to the affidavit.
