Dog Shot and Euthanized After Police Encounter Turns Violent in Utah

Honk News (Salt Lake City, UT) – A police officer shot a dog multiple times after it bit him early Sunday morning, leading to the dog’s euthanasia, as reported by authorities.

Officers from the Salt Lake City Police Department arrived at a convenience store on North Temple Street shortly after 3 a.m. on Sunday, following reports from an employee about individuals trespassing on the property. Two officers first arrived and came across “a sizable crowd in the parking area,” according to police.

“When an officer approached the group, a dog on leash began barking at the officer and then quickly lunged at the officer, biting him,” SLCPD said in a press release. “Although the dog had a leash attached to its collar, no one was holding the leash, allowing the dog to move freely.”

Following the incident where the officer was bitten, footage from the body camera reveals the officer aiming his firearm at the dog and warning the owner, “Get your f—ing dog or I’m going to shoot it.”