CalFresh Schedule in October: Essential Information on Payment Dates and Amounts

Californians are looking forward to the next set of CalFresh payments as October has arrived. Effective planning of your food and other required expenditures depends on knowing the deadlines and requirements for getting this financial aid.

CalFresh is the federal Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) equivalent for California. For low-income families and individuals, monthly aid is offered to help them buy healthful foods if they meet particular criteria. Operating like a debit card at approved grocery stores and farmers’ markets, these benefits are offered via an electronic benefits transfer (EBT) card.

Looking at the last digit of the case number will help one determine the payment date. If the case number ends in “1,” for instance, benefits will start on the first day of the month.

CalFresh Payment Schedule

The CalFresh case number of the recipient determines the date benefits are put onto an EBT card each month. Your case number’s last digit forms the basis of the payment plan. Should your case number finish in a “1,” you should get your rewards on the first of the month. Here is the October distribution timetable:

  • October 1: Case numbers ending in 1
  • October 2: Case numbers ending in 2
  • October 3: Case numbers ending in 3
  • October 4: Case numbers ending in 4
  • October 5: Case numbers ending in 5
  • October 6: Case numbers ending in 6
  • October 7: Case numbers ending in 7
  • October 8: Case numbers ending in 8
  • October 9: Case numbers ending in 9
  • October 10: Case numbers ending in 0

CalFresh Payment for October

the CalFresh member gets a case number that lets them pinpoint the exact date within the first 10 days of the month when money is loaded onto the EBT card. See CalFresh for further details.
