Honk News (Broken Arrow, OK) – On Wednesday, Broken Arrow Police (BAPD) took a man into custody for allegedly lewdly molesting at least five minors.
Authorities discovered that these offenses occurred during the time the children were under Jarman’s supervision, as he served as their martial arts teacher.
“We believe it happened at homes and in vehicles and other places [away] from the facility…He was a martial arts instructor and he was brought in by these families that worked or came to the facility. He would develop relationships with the families and it kind of evolved into where we are today,” said Broken Arrow PD detective Conner Robinson.
Court documents reveal that Jarman resided in Broken Arrow, located in Tulsa County, during the investigation.
A Tulsa County detective received a cyber tip from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, according to an affidavit. A report was received from Dropbox containing images and videos of child sexual abuse material.
A report was filed on July 24, 2024, according to the affidavit, but the initial tip was submitted on January 11, 2022, in Austin, Texas.
Texas investigators identified Lyndon Jarman as the owner of the Dropbox account. The affidavit indicated that the tip was subsequently forwarded to the Broken Arrow Police.
The Dropbox contained 190 photos and videos featuring young boys engaging in what the affidavit describes as “sexually explicit behavior with other young boys and adults.”
The affidavit claims that Jarman was utilizing the Dropbox app on his phone.
Investigators looked into the history of Broken Arrow Police with Jarman and found a case from 2021 that claimed Jarman sexually assaulted a juvenile male, as stated in the affidavit.
A tribal citizen was the victim in the 2021 case, which was handled by the Muscogee Creek Nation, where a forensic interview took place. Investigators discovered that Jarman was not a tribal citizen, leading them to hand the case over to the FBI.
The affidavit indicated that the juvenile involved in the 2021 case provided investigators with a specific time when Jarman was at his home and entered his room to share a karate video.
Jarman reportedly asked the child to sit on his lap, and when the child declined, Jarman pulled him onto his lap to watch the video.
The affidavit went on to claim that Jarman made contact with the juvenile’s private area through his clothing. The victim reported that on another occasion, Jarman inquired about what was between his legs while they were driving in the car together. The affidavit states that the victim reported Jarman asked him to show it to him.
The affidavit states that Jarman has multiple alleged victims in Tulsa and Wagoner County.
Broken Arrow Police have stated that there may be additional victims linked to this investigation.
The document indicated that the FBI carried out its own inquiry and submitted charges to the U.S. Attorney’s office.
On February 2, authorities reported that Jarman was taken into custody for domestic assault and battery in the presence of a minor in Wagoner County.
According to an affidavit, a search warrant was issued for Jarman’s phone and provided to the Broken Arrow Police.
“There’s been some electronic devices that have been seized in this process, so we’re processing that,” said Robinson. “We’re also communicating with the district attorney’s office to see what they need moving forward and working with the families to get them the different people they need to begin healing and get them through the court process.”
During the investigation, Jarmon was interviewed and acknowledged knowledge of a Dropbox containing child sexual abuse material. However, he stated that he had “left all that behind him,” as noted in the affidavit.
BAPD reported that Jarman’s case remains under investigation.