$675 Stimulus Check Coming to Montana; Apply to Get Property Tax Rebate

Homeowners in Montana may soon be eligible for a stimulus check program that reimburses them up to $675 for property taxes paid in the 2023 fiscal year. But there are prerequisites to be eligible for this program, and individuals who want to take advantage of it must know what those criteria are.

A minimum of seven months of continuous occupancy in your principal residence in Montana during 2023 is required to be eligible for reimbursement. Homeowners who have paid all of their property taxes are eligible for this program.

Please ensure that your property satisfies the eligibility requirements, as this benefit does not apply to properties owned by entities or irrevocable trusts.

Reimbursement of $675

You can get up to $675 in reimbursement, the exact amount of which is based on the property taxes you paid in 2023. One possible scenario in which you might be eligible for a payment is if your property tax bill was $425. But the refund won’t be more than $675—even if your taxes were more.

Applicants are required to provide proof of ownership and residency, a valid Social Security number, and the property’s geocode, which indicates its exact location within Montana. To be eligible, all property taxes, including special assessments and other charges, must have been fully paid for the year 2023.

Application Deadline

You have until October 1, 2024, to apply for this program. The application period began on August 15, 2024. Please ensure that your application is submitted within the specified deadline; we will not accept late submissions.

Applying online is the fastest option, and claims are handled within 30 days. It may take up to ninety days to complete applications that are submitted in paper. Since direct deposit is not an option, if your application is approved, you may expect your check to arrive within four weeks.

In these tough economic times, this program is a reflection of Montana’s desire to help homeowners by reducing their mortgage payments. To ensure you take advantage of this opportunity, please ensure that your application is complete and filed on time if you believe you match the criteria.
