Is Greg John Gutfeld Gay? His Relationship Status!

Greg Gutfeld’s full name is Gregory John Gutfeld. He is an American television host, Author, Comedian, and libertarian Political commentator. He was born on September 12, 1964, and his birthplace was San Mateo, California, United States. 

Greg Gutfeld was the host of the comedy talk show Gutfeld at late-night and Saturday Night’s host’s edition of Gutfeld! It Was called The Greg Gutfeld Show from May 2015 up to March 2021, when it was declared that the show would move to weeknights. 

Gutfeld is one of five co-hosts and panelists on the political talk show The Five. Both his shows were revealed on the Fox News Channel. Gutfeld hosted the 3 AM series Red Eye, a late-night talk show that also streamed on Fox News Channel From 2007 up to 2015.

Gutfeld is a fan of heavy metal music and hard rock. He is also a fan of the band Power Trip. He even penned a tribute to Power Trip singer Riley Gayle after the singer died in 2020. 

According to Celebrity Net Worth, annual compensation from Gutfeld’s employment is reported to be $7 million, and his net worth is $13 million

Grеg Gutfеld wеnt on tо соmрlеtе hіѕ рrіmаrу еduсаtіоn аt Јunіреrо Ѕеrrа Ніgh Ѕсhооl, аnd thеn оn hе mоvеd tо thе Unіvеrѕіtу оf Саlіfоrnіа tо соmрlеtе their hіghеr еduсаtіоn аnd hіѕ bасhеlоr’ѕ dеgrее іn thе ѕtrеаm оf Еnglіѕh іn thе уеаr 1947.

However, he has not yet revealed much about his days in school and college, and the media is still trying to gather some information.

Is Greg John Gutfeld Gay?

The television personality took to his blog, the daily gut, to share his opinion on homophobia In August 2010.

Gutfeld indicated he would build a gay bar near the proposed Ground Zero mosque to combat the deadly homophobia believed to exist in Islamic societies. After proposals surfaced for a Muslim community center and mosque at the site of Ground Zero in lower Manhattan, he had an odd reaction.

Gutfeld said that “The plan is to create and establish the first gay bar that not only caters to Westerners but also to Islamic gay men.”

Greg John Gutfeld Gay

Greg Gutfeld said that “Breaking down barriers and reducing lethal homophobia in the Islamic world,”.

There are many assumptions about Gutfeld as a member of the LGBTQ+ community because he publicly aired his views and spoke on the subject for gay people. As a result, gay News rumors began to spread. 

However, the rumors were quickly put to rest as the political commentator married his longtime partner and declared her as his wife.

Greg Gutfeld Relationship Status 

Elena Moussa Gutfeld, who stands at 1.68 m (5′ 6″), enjoys a happy married life with his wife, who is Elena Moussa and who worked as an editor for Maxim in Russia, and Gutfeld worked in London. worked as an editor for Maxim, which was a coincidence. Then They met for the first time  in 1999, at a conference for all Maxim editors around the world. 

Gutfeld was madly in love with Warts and “foolishly hit her for three days.” He finally convinced her to ask him out on a date. Their chemistry grew quickly and after that, they started dating. They dated for five months before exchanging vows and marrying in a civil ceremony in New York in December 2004.

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On the other hand, the couple kept the specifics of their marriage a secret. When it comes to their married life, they also keep a low profile.

In spite of the secrecy, the couple’s social media sites reveal their committed relationship. Gutfeld frequently posts pictures of his wife on social media.

Greg Gutfeld shared a photo of himself and his wife on Instagram on August 27, 2017. He said in the caption that he was attending Ron O’Neal’s wedding. The married couple currently resides in New York and have no children yet.

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